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My name is Melissa Murphy and I am a 44 year old mum with 4 wonderful children, Shannon 11 yrs, Gabrielle 8 yrs, Kimberly 6 yrs, Josiah 4 yrs and a loving husband, Stuart.
Hi, my name is Mandy Carter. I am 37 and live in sunny Nelson with my lovely husband, Brett and our two adorable children, Hamish (6) and Abby (5).
My name is Annette Wikeepa. I live in the Hutt Valley where my two grown up daughters live; the eldest of the two having given me a granddaughter and grandson. I have parents “to die for” amongst my close extended family, many of whom live locally, a man I am in love with and lots of affable acquaintances.
My doctor is a firm believer in mammograms at your 40th birthday, just to give you a benchmark she said – so I duly complied and all was fine. Six months later my breast changed shape, no lump and a marginal call; but something made me go back to my doctor. Five days later, instead of jumping on a flight to Greece for a catch-up with family I found myself in hospital having a mastectomy.
Hi, my name is Linda Crowden, I am 61, I have three sons, one daughter and four grandchildren.I live in the Bay of Islands with husband Roger, my youngest son Tor 19 and daughter Tara 17, plus numerous pets. Roger & I are bookbinders and we have a small museum.
My name is Andrea Fairbairn and I have just turned 40. I live in Wellington and work in a Government Department. I was one of those healthy people – didn’t drink or smoke, vegetarian, exercised regularly and had no cancer in my family.
I'm Sue Walthert. I was a 52-year-old GP, happily married to Edi, mother to Emma, 25 and Jeremy, 24. Edi and I lived on 5 acres of land with 3 sheep (plus 5 lambs this spring) and one neurotic dog, 10 minutes’ walk from the main street of Dunedin. We were living the good life and Her 2 positive breast cancer was something that happened to other people, to my patients, but not to me!
My name is Rose.
I am 68 years old and have been married to Barry for 47 years. We have three sons aged 46, 45 and 44. I have lived a normal, healthy life (other than a hysterectomy in my early thirties after which I was put on HRT). I had some low times, and went through a lot of personal stress in the eighties and early nineties.
Hi. I’m Chris Walsh and I live at Waitarere Beach, a small village between Levin and Foxton. My partner Sue and I have a beautiful black Labrador called JJ and two cats that control activities in the house but still refuse to do housework. I work at Victoria University in Wellington and this year graduated with a Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing.
My name is Nicola Russell - I'm 35, and I immigrated to New Zealand in 1997 from the shores of Carlingford Lough in Ireland.