There are a number of organisations which provide specific support and assistance for women with advanced breast cancer. These include:
- Metavivors NZ NZ
A closed Facebook group providing support, friendship and information for New Zeland women and men with advanced breast cancer. You can also find out more about Metavivors NZ here.
- Sweet Louise
0800 11 22 77
Sweet Louise provides information about strategies to help those with advanced breast cancer lead more positive lives and assists them to access particular services. These range from gardening and housework, massage and pedicure to meditation and creative therapies. Sweet Louise support is available throughout New Zealand - see
- The Cancer Society of New Zealand
Cancer Information Helpline: 0800 CANCER (22 62 37)
The Cancer Society provides support and information for people affected by cancer. Cancer nurses are available to provide support and advice on the cancer information helpline.
Breast Cancer Trials (formerly known as the Breast Cancer Institute of Australia, and the Australia and New Zealand Breast Cancer Trials Group)
A website which lists all the open breast cancer clinical trials open to those with secondary breast cancer in New Zealand and Australia. -
An American site dedicated to advocating on behalf of women with secondary breast cancer. It has some useful information and advice on support. -
An American website that has useful information about secondary breast cancer.
Other resources you might like to look at, include:
- The NZ Cancer Society’s booklet on secondary breast cancer
- Breast Cancer Network Australia's information on secondary breast cancer