The Advanced Breast Cancer Global Alliance, of which BCAC is a member, has joined with other international cancer groups to call for a global plan of action for cancer to meet the challenges of COVID-19 and future pandemics or health crises (see link).
Throughout the world cancer screening and diagnoses have been disrupted and delayed, treatments have been delayed, deferred or modified to account for the higher risks posed by COVID-19 to cancer patients, research funding has been diverted away from cancer, and incomes for cancer charities have plummeted.
The call to action proposes COVID-19 free hospitals or clinics for cancer patients, and a focus on rapid catch-up to get back to post COVID-19 levels of screening, treatment and follow-up. It also calls for innovation to deliver more care at home, and to use tele-medicine for consultations and involving family and carers in consultations when they cannot be there in person.
20 July 2020