BCAC was formed in November 2004 with twelve member groups and now, in 2022, we have more than 30 breast cancer-related member groups and over 60 individual members.

See below for a full list of our member groups and information about their activities.

We invite membership applications from breast cancer-related groups and individuals with an interest in supporting our work. Membership to BCAC is free. Please email us and we will send you an application form.

Groups providing information


Breast Cancer Foundation NZ

The Breast Cancer Foundation NZ is the country’s foremost breast cancer education and awareness organisation. It is a non-government funded charitable trust promoting awareness of breast cancer, providing information and education, and raising funds to support breast cancer related initiatives including research, scholarships, medical grants, community education and a breast cancer patient register. The Foundation was specifically established to educate all New Zealanders on the life-saving benefits of early detection and the importance of mammograms.

Breast Cancer Action Trust

Following on from a successful 124,000 signature petition that resulted in an expansion of the Breast Screening age in 2004, we continue to lobby for better access to screening and age reduction to 40 years and improved access to treatments.

Well Women & Family Trust

Well Women & Family Trust is a nursing, education and health promotion service committed to working with and assisting the community, other service providers and government to keep our women and their families well. It is a progressive organisation, not afraid to redirect its services or to add new services to its portfolio based on the results of continual evaluation of the needs of the communities it serves and the requirements of its funders.

Shocking Pink


Shocking Pink is a Christchurch-based group set up to support young women with breast cancer. Visit their website which provides online resources and information. To contact them please email info@shockingpink.org.nz.

The Gift of Knowledge


The Gift of Knowledge exists to connect, support, educate and advocate for New Zealanders impacted by hereditary cancer, specifically breast and ovarian cancer (BRCA). Our goal is that every high risk New Zealander will have access to relevant information and support to make informed decisions that save their life. To contact them please email info@giftofknowledge.co.nz

The Cancer Society of New Zealand

The Cancer Society of New Zealand, although not a member of BCAC, is dedicated to reducing the incidence of cancer and ensuring the best cancer care for everyone in New Zealand. It advocates for patients, providing a voice on all kinds of issues including cancer detection and treatment. Its national office is located in Wellington, and it has six regional offices and 15 centres, all involved in raising funds and providing local support services.

Groups providing support


Age Concern

Age Concern New Zealand is a not-for-profit, charitable organisation, dedicated to promoting the quality of life and well-being of older people, advocating positive healthy ageing for people of all ages.

Aotearoa NZ Breast Cancer Community

Aotearoa New Zealand Breast Cancer Community

The Aotearoa NZ Breast Cancer Community is an inclusive and safe space that connects those who are at different points along the breast cancer journey by providing solidarity, support and the sharing of experiences. The key kaupapa of this group is to lessen the isolation that a cancer diagnosis so often brings with it. None of us should ever have to feel alone as there is a whole community who truly gets it like no one else can because we have been there (and are still being there in many cases!).

General information relating to our community (and product sales that support our mahi) is available on our website   https://aotearoanzbreastcancercommunity.company.site/ and public Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/ANZBCC

Anyone with a breast cancer diagnosis (at any time) is welcome to join our private Facebook group       https://www.facebook.com/groups/224689835385101

Breast Cancer Support Aotearoa


BCS offers community-based support services to women with a present or past diagnosis of breast cancer. Services are provided by trained volunteers who have experienced breast cancer themselves and can provide support from a positive, personal perspective. BCS offers women individual support (face to face meeting or telephone), participation in monthly Breast Friends support groups (greater Auckland area only) and nationwide support and information via its toll free number. Phone toll free: 0800 273 222 (0800 BreaCanSupport) or email the Support Services Coordinator: support@breastcancersupport.co.nz.

Breast Cancer Support Service Tauranga Trust


Established in 1991, BCSS Tauranga offers support, education and information to women diagnosed with breast cancer in the Bay of Plenty area. The group offers free services including home or hospital visits, telephone contact, group support meetings and support for partners. They also offer a newsletter, a comprehensive library and have a very useful information pack for women newly diagnosed. To contact BCSS Tauranga, call their helpline on 07 571 3346, email them or visit from 9 – 12.30 weekdays at 56 Christopher St, Tauranga.

Breast Cancer Support Northland Trust

The Breast Cancer Support Northland Trust covers from Wellsford northwards and offers practical and emotional support to women with a diagnosis of breast cancer. The Trust has trained visitors to either visit women or telephone them. The Trust has a weekly coffee group at Mokaba, Town Basin, Whangarei. The Trust can be contacted on 0800 227 687 or email bcsnorthland@gmail.com. Visit their website at www.breastcancernorthland.co.nz

CanTeen Aotearoa

For more than 30 years, CanTeen Aotearoa has supported young New Zealanders who are impacted by cancer and their vision has remained unchanged throughout - to ensure that no young person faces cancer alone. CanTeen Aotearoa understands that cancer changes everything, from friendships and relationships through to things like education and work. They work with young peole aged 13-24 who are dealing with their own diagnosis, a parent or sibling's cancer or the death of a parent or sibling. Visit their website https://www.canteen.org.nz/

Kenzie's Gift


Kenzie's Gift is the vision of Nic Russell. It is inspired by the life of her daughter Kenzie and the cancer journey they shared together. Kenzie's Gift supports the emotional well-being and good mental health of children, young people and families affected by cancer, serious illness or bereavement. For more information, email Kenzie's Gift.

Lymphoedema Support Network


Lymphoedema Support Network is a voluntary organisation with over 100 members in New Zealand. Our aim is to make the condition of lymphoedema better known the wider community and to support those who have the condition. For more information please email them here.


Mamazon Club

As lesbian survivors of breast cancer we share a social context that is not always recognized or understood by medical and support personnel with whom we interact during our breast cancer diagnosis, treatment and recovery. This can create additional stresses and difficulties for us as patients and for our partners and wider families during these processes. We have formed a group in order to provide support for each other in an environment of similarity and understanding. For information contact Libby Burgess.


Metavivors NZ

The Metavivors NZ Facebook group was set up by BCAC in early 2014 in order to advocate for better treatment and care for people with metastatic (also known as secondary or advanced) breast cancer. The aim of the Metavivors NZ group is to provide a voice for people with advanced breast cancer in New Zealand in order to raise awareness of their specific needs and to advocate for medicines, treatment options and support. The group is also a forum for those with metastatic breast cancer to connect and offer mutual support. To join the Metavivors NZ Facebook group please email: bcac@breastcancer.org.nz

Rotorua Breast Cancer Trust

Rotorua Breast Cancer Trust (RBCT) is the result of a group of eight local women getting together after attending the 1st National Breast Cancer Conference held in Rotorua in 2007. At the conference there was much talk of the activity, events and support happening around the country for women with breast cancer, but at that time nothing was available in the Rotorua area. RBCT's focus is on ensuring women affected by breast cancer in the Rotorua area have the same opportunities for care and support as in other parts of the country. They want to be able to help in practical ways such as providing information and education as well as general support. For more information email them or phone Diane on 021 596 098 or Dell on 021 050 2440.

Sweet Louise

Sweet Louise is a charitable organisation providing support and services for women and men living with secondary breast cancer. Their purpose is to improve quality of life by offering a comprehensive range of support, practical services, and therapies designed to enhance well-being. Services range from gardening, house-cleaning and baking to massage and creative therapies; all are available through a unique free voucher system. Support is also provided in the way of regular meetings, home and hospital visits and ongoing contact for Sweet Louise members. For help and more information please call their free phone 0800 11 22 77.

Support Crew

Support Crew is a free online support platform that easily co-ordinates meals, transport, cleaning or any other help that's needed from family and friends. You can create a Support Page for yourself or someone else at https://www.supportcrew.co/

Simple create a support page, invite friends and family, tell them how they can help (meals, cleaning etc) and keep them updated on how you're doing. Brilliant when asking for help is difficult and when people want to help but don't know how.

Te Ha o Te Oranga o Ngati Whatua

Te Ha o Te Oranga o Ngati Whatua is the Health Provider arm of Te Runanga o Ngati Whatua and is an integral part of the ongoing coordination, delivery and growth of health services for the more than 73,000 Maori who reside within the Ngati Whatua rohe. In addition to the delivery of a range of health services, Te Ha o Te Oranga o Ngati Whatua seeks to build strong relationships with other health providers within the rohe to enable access to the services needed to help achieve the health gains sought by our people. For more information, please email kathy.fulop@tehaoranga.co.nz.

Terrier Race Against Time

Terrier Race Against Time (TRAT) was formed in 2006 after a group of local Gisborne women got together and, over a glass of wine and with a common love of terriers, came up with an idea for a way to raise money to help local women in their fight against breast cancer – terrier racing.

TRAT has now successfully raised thousands of dollars for Gisborne breast cancer sufferers. The money raised allows TRAT to provide a support pack for each women diagnosed with breast cancer in the Tairawhiti district. Each pack has $350 of vouchers and includes, books, a pedometer and useful information as well as BCAC’s Step by Step pack.  The vouchers can be used for things such as petrol, childcare, gardening or pampering. For more information contact them on gisterrierracing@gmail.com.

Groups supporting health and wellbeing


Look Good, Feel Better


Look Good Feel Better supports any person, with any cancer, at any time by offering free, community-based classes throughout New Zealand. Feel Better classes teach tips and techniques that help participants look and feel more like their normal selves. They connect people facing similar experiences, helping them face their cancer with more confidence, strength and positivity. If you or anyone you know are impacted by cancer, please go to www.lgfb.co.nz to find out more or to register.

PINC Cancer Rehabilitation Program (formerly known as Pink Pilates)

The PINC Cancer Rehabilitation Program provides individualised prescribed rehabilitation to women with breast cancer. The programs are delivered by Certified Cancer Rehab Physiotherapists. They are specifically designed to help maximise recovery, regain physical and emotional strength, and improve body confidence and control. PINC rehabilitation sessions cater for all ages, levels of fitness and mobility. To find a PINC certified Cancer Rehab Physiotherapist near you visit www.pincandsteel.com or email info@pinc.co.nz. The PINC & STEEL Cancer Rehabilitation Trust is dedicated to fundraising to support people diagnosed with cancer. Visit www.pincandsteel.com for a funding application.

Mindfulness Aotearoa

Fear and uncertainty about the future often follow breast cancer treatment, research has shown that Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) training may help reduce emotional distress, anxiety and fatigue after cancer.  MBSR is an 8-week evidence-based mindfulness training course through which you learn to be more present in life, regulate your nervous system and deal with difficult thoughts, emotions and body sensations. Mindfulness Aotearoa have expert, qualified teachers experienced in working with people who’ve had cancer. MBSR can help support your healing and to enjoy life again. Visit www.mindfulnessaotearoa.com/mbsr to find out more, or contact Jan on jan@mindfulnessaotearoa.com - 021 22 77 069.


Alleviate Ltd offers professional and innovative creative arts therapy programmes and one-on-one therapy for women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. This can include movement/dance, art-making, drama, music and creative writing: giving women a range of resources to assist them to access their own sense of what will improve their well-being, quality of life and self-care, and to move towards coming to terms with their life-changing experience. For more information contact Amanda Levey.

Research Groups


Breast Cancer Cure

Breast Cancer Cure is New Zealand's only not-for-profit organisation established solely to find a cure for breast cancer. Research continues to be pivotal in developing our understanding and preventing, managing and curing breast cancer. It is at the heart of progress made to date, and essential we continue to drive improvements, to stop people dying from the disease. We're committed to achieving our goal of finding a cure for breast cancer and with your support, we believe that is very achievable.

Waikato Breast Cancer Research Trust (WBCRT)


Breast cancer changes lives. The WBCRT works to change them for the better. Your support helps save the lives of daughters, sisters, mothers and grandmothers in our community. Our research team work collaboratively with international and local research groups, providing Waikato and New Zealand women with access to improved surgical, radiotherapy and drug treatments, reduced side-effects, better communication and quality of life.

Through good quality research and the contribution of women, research staff, scientists and clinicians, steady advances have been made in breast cancer care. These advances have resulted in improved chances of a good outcome for women diagnosed with the disease. The WBCRT is a charitable organization. Your support ensures the trust remains at the forefront of international breast cancer research.  Visit www.brightasabutton.co.nz or www.wbcrt.org.nz

Dragon Boating Teams


Busting with Life


Our dragon boat team consists solely of breast cancer survivors who range in age from early 30's to late 60's. We aim to raise awareness and to encourage women with breast cancer to live full and active lives. Our goal is to send a message of hope to people living with this disease and to those who support them. Busting with Life is an Auckland based initiative, with our long-term objective to see teams formed nationally and to compete at an international level.


The Tauranga Boobops Dragon Boat Team started in 2003 as a combined team of survivors and supporters. The sport of dragon boating has been identified as particularly beneficial for women after surgery for breast cancer. The support and camaraderie is amazing, providing so much more than paddling buddies - a real sisterhood and a life-changing experience of fun, fitness and laughter. Our aim always is to support and empower women after breast cancer while increasing fitness and good health. For more information please visit their website www.boobops.co.nz or email them on info@boobops.co.nz

Pink Dragons


What makes dragon boating so successful for breast cancer survivors? It is an easy entry sport because people at different levels can be doing the same sport on the same boat. It is a challenging sport, but also fun and keeps you fit. It's like having a support group on water and it makes you determined to work hard and paddle strong for the team. We are always looking for breast cancer survivors to join our team so please contact us. Email us for more information.

Waikato Treasure Chests

We are a group of people with a common bond - breast cancer. We have embarked on a journey not of our choosing but we have chosen to take control of our health and wellbeing by paddling in a dragon boat. Camaraderie, involvement in the community and love of life bind our team both on and off the water. New members very welcome. Contact them on email waikatotreasurechests17@gmail.com for more information. Also, you can go to Facebook and search on Waikato Treasure Chests.

Taranaki Dragons

Our Taranaki Dragon Boat team aims to have fun, build strength and hope and to make the dragon boating experience accessible to the Taranaki community by developing both breast cancer and non-breast cancer dragon boat teams. We want to liaise with other NZ teams and participate in dragon boat racing events, encouraging men and women from all walks of life in our community to develop a healthy and active lifestyle. Our group hopes to further develop our networks of support, keep team members informed about the positive benefits of dragon boating, and encourage new people to become involved. For more information, check out their website or contact them direct.