Have you undergone chemotherapy for cancer for the first time in the last twelve months? Researchers from The University of Sydney are interested in your experience. Participants over 18 are wanted to complete a 20-25 minute online survey.

The researchers are investigating how the different sources of information people encounter before undergoing chemotherapy can influence expectation and subsequent experience of side-effects arising from chemotherapy. During this study you will be asked about the sources of information you used to understand your treatment (e.g., doctors, family, social media) as well as what side-effects you expected and experienced as a result of chemotherapy.

The survey is open to people from New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States.

The survey asks questions concerning: 
•    Demographics (e.g., age, gender, socio-economic status). 
•    Your cancer diagnosis and treatment. 
•    What information sources you used to inform yourself of the side effects of chemotherapy and what information those sources contained. 
•    What side-effects you expected and subsequently experienced. 
•    Your perceptions of potential strategies to reduce chemotherapy side effects. 

At the end of the survey, you’ll have the option to add any additional thoughts you would like to share via audio recording.

Participating in this research will allow the researchers to better understand the sources of information people with cancer use and rely upon. This will provide a basis for future research to improve communication strategies with cancer patients and reduce the burden of chemotherapy side effects.

If you are interested, refer to the participant information statement for more details, and find the survey link here where you can sign up

26th May 2024