Sweet Louise member Jenny Short and her husband Rod are undertaking the trip of a lifetime - a cycle tour in Europe - and they're taking Sweet Louise along for the ride!

Jenny was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer five years ago and she made a decision to live life to the full and make her dreams reality. “Everyone needs to make the most of their time because you never know when it is going to be over.”

Jenny will pack a small Sweet Louise 'chic' to travel with her and she'll pose the defining logo in places along the way ... perhaps beside the gentle, blue waters of the Danube, overlooking the famous Canal du Midi or enjoying a glass of wine in Bordeaux.

Jenny will keep everyone updated on her adventures through regular Blog entries – the updates can be seen on the Sweet Louise site at http://www.sweetlouise.co.nz/Page.aspx?PageID=125 so visit often to see where she is. With the Sweet Louise 'chic' on board, there's no telling what this intrepid trio of travellers will get into!

As Jenny said, “We plan to cycle down the Danube to see a friend in Tuscany, visit another in Antibes, then cycle up the Canal du Midi to Toulouse and then down the Garonne River to Bordeaux before boarding a train back to Paris to come home in six weeks time. Mad or what? But I seem to be into mad challenges these days. Wish me luck, because it may be a disaster. But then, this might be the start of a wonderful new relationship with a bike. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. And I am up for the challenge.”