UK move prompts push for Kadcyla in NZ

BCAC is pushing for breakthrough breast cancer drug, Kadcyla, to be publicly funded in New Zealand after a “monumental u-turn” in the UK which has seen the drug funded there.

Women with breast cancer eligible for free ‘flu vaccination

If you have breast cancer you are eligible for a free influenza vaccination and now is the best time to be immunised before the winter ‘flu season arrives.

The annual immunisation is recommended for people with ongoing medical conditions, who are at a higher risk of developing serious complications from influenza, such as pneumonia.

Valuable experience gained at young adult oncology conference

Attending the Inaugural International Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology Congress in Sydney late last year was a fascinating and valuable experience for BCAC committee member, Greer Davis.

The congress was titled “Crossing Boundaries and bringing it all together” and really focused on the complex nature of treating and supporting young people with cancer.